50 Fantasy Names that start with F

Fantasy Names That Start With F

Looking for fantasy names that start with F? Whether you’re creating a fearless warrior, a mystical elf, a dark sorcerer, or a legendary beast, having the right name can bring your fantasy world to life. Names in fantasy stories often symbolize power, mystery, and adventure, making them essential for Dungeons & Dragons, RPGs, novels, and gaming characters.

Below, you’ll find 50 handpicked fantasy names beginning with F, each inspired by epic tales, ancient myths, and magical realms.

More Fantasy Name Ideas

If you’re looking for even more fantasy name inspiration, check out these helpful tools:

• 🏹 Fantasy Male Name Generator – Find strong and heroic names for male characters.

• 🔮 Fantasy Female Name Generator – Discover enchanting and powerful names for female characters.

• ⚒️ Dwarf Name Generator – Perfect for creating tough, battle-hardened dwarf names.

Now, let’s dive into the best fantasy names that start with F and find the perfect name for your next adventure! 🚀

50 Fantasy Names that start with F

  1. Faelorian
  2. Fendralis
  3. Faenwyn
  4. Fiorendar
  5. Falkorin
  6. Fyrellis
  7. Feradorn
  8. Felthorin
  9. Fendarius
  10. Faerindor
  11. Flareth
  12. Fyntheris
  13. Faldorin
  14. Falvaris
  15. Feylindra
  16. Fandorin
  17. Firithar
  18. Felorin
  19. Frovanis
  20. Faldareth
  21. Fendrynn
  22. Feydorin
  23. Frazareth
  24. Faelthor
  25. Frendoris
  26. Faelwyn
  27. Fenvaris
  28. Feydrion
  29. Flindor
  30. Faenaris
  31. Ferendor
  32. Falithor
  33. Fiorwyn
  34. Fandorineth
  35. Falindor
  36. Frovalis
  37. Feyndralis
  38. Firionis
  39. Felnaris
  40. Fendariel
  41. Frothir
  42. Faerannis
  43. Faldorineth
  44. Flindarius
  45. Feyris
  46. Felboris
  47. Faldoriel
  48. Fenmir
  49. Frovaris
  50. Faelion
  51. Fendralith